Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fuji X100F RAW Processing: Iridient X-Transformer with Lightroom 5.7

This will hopefully culminate into a good workaround for getting the latest (as of 2017) Fujifilm camera RAW files processed in the old Lightroom 5.7, which no longer is being supported by Adobe RAW updates.

This is scattered thoughts right now...

Links to getting X-Transformer setup as plugin on Lightroom:

  • https://www.aevansphoto.com/ixt-lightroom-plugin/

Links to recommended settings:

  • Thomas Fitzgerald Photography (Updated settings):  http://blog.thomasfitzgeraldphotography.com/blog/2017/3/updated-iridient-x-transformer-settings
    • Notes: No sharpening but medium color noise reduction in X-Transformer
  • http://www.fuji-x-forum.com/topic/5241-getting-great-fine-detail-on-x-t2-rafs-using-x-transformer-and-lightroom/
    • Notes: No sharpening or noise reduction in X-Transformer, no Lens correction, but don't do this unless Lightroom has the lens listed

Since Lightroom 5 won't recognize the new Fujifilm cameras it won't provide the nice Fujifilm film simulation presets, so here are some links to free presets which will hopefully be just as good:
  • Thomas Fitzgerald Photography has some nice looking presets but they need Lightroom 6, will try to see if I can get them into Lightroom 5 or find older versions
    • https://store.thomasfitzgeraldphotography.com/lightroom-presets/
  • https://fujifeed.com/shop/samuel-zeller-free-presets-pack-fujifilm
    • Free if you share on facebook or tweet
  • http://www.fujix-forum.com/threads/lightroom-and-acr-presets-that-are-close-to-classic-chrome.33890/
    • Classic Chrome preset by Wayne Dyer
  • Process for using Silver EFex which has nice film presets, https://vimeo.com/91315679
    • make 'Super Flat' preset in Lightroom before sending to external editor
Steps of Culling Photos:
  1. Copy from SD card to a temp folder on computer (.../processing/date)
    • I shoot JPEG for random family stuff and JPEG+RAW if I know I want to get some prints

  • PHLEARN Culling process in Lightroom:
    • Import all photos in Lightroom
    • Build 1:1 previews to speed up process (Library > Previews > Build 1:1 Previews
    • Get rid of Absolute NOs! Set as 'Rejects' (shortcut key 'X') and delete from computer
      • view in grid mode and use 'Shift' key to select multiple NOs then hit 'X'
      • you can see all 'Rejects' in the 'Attributes' tab on the top of the workspace
    • While viewing single photos select 'Picks' (shortcut key 'P')
      • if photo is really good give it a '5 Star' rating (shortcut key '5')
    • Add star ratings to the 'Picks' photos (gives best photos 5 stars, and leaves no stars for others)
      • view in compare view (select photos and hit 'c' button) for side-by-side
      • view in survey view (select photos and hit 'n' button) for 1/2 dozen photo compares
        • hit the 'x' on the photo or click photo while holding 'ctrl' key to remove
      • go back to grid view with 'g' key
    • Add Color Ratings:
      • hit keys 6+ for different colors ('6' is Red)
      • color ratings signify the best of the best
Organizing Photos:

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU5XweqovMQ
    • (date) XX.YY.ZZ (photo description)
      • Capture (RAW, SOOC JPEGS, DNGs and Lightroom edits)
        • Cull this folder and use star and color ratings
      • Master (edited photo file [tiff,psd])
        • this is for photoshop files (maybe any external editor light Silver EFex)
        • give files unique names
      • Output (files sent to print/facebook/client)
        • save presets in Lightroom for different types of outputs (exports)
      • Select (photos selected for editing or used as-is)
        • copies of the photos to be edited in Photoshop (have Lightroom edits)
        • use TIF files with either 8 or 10 bit 

Monday, February 9, 2015

2/3/4 Wire RTD Arduino Shield Design with KiCad

Here is a design for reading a 2, 3, or 4 wire RTD on an Arduino.  This design is based around the MAX31865 chip which has a 15 bit A/D on board along with all the voltage divider circuitry.  Here is the overview of the chip from the datasheet and the 2 wire example configuration:

I based my design for this unit on the MAX31865 PT-100 RTD to Digital Breakout board from Playing with Fusion.  For $30 that is a nice option but I had some of the parts in-hand and decided to give PCB design/fab a try (also Maxim has a good sampling policy along with TI).
I used KiCad to design the schematic and layout.  My KiCad build is BZR 5376 which was the latest build as of 1/16/2015.  I'm not sure if my files will open in early releases.  The KiCad files can be found in Google drive HERE.  There are gerber files for the top and bottom layers, board outline, NC drill file, back silkscreen (jumper references), and top paste (for a stencil).  If anyone has an LPKF machine and uses CircuitCAM (as I do) there is .cam file for the board and for a solder paste stencil. 

Here is the schematic of the board:

In addition to the MAX31865 RTD chip there is a 3.3 volt voltage regulator to power the MAX chip and an 8-bit Bidirectional Voltage-Level Translator so that the 3V3 logic of the MAX chip can be sent to the 5V logic of the arduino.  'Playing with Fusion' added in pads for shunt resistors so that you could bypass the Voltage-Level Translator if you were to use a different microprocessor which runs at the same logic voltage.  This is not in my design as I'm strictly dealing with the arduino at this time.  

I added in a series of jumpers so that the user could input a 2, 3, or 4 wire RTD (100 or 1000 ohm) on the fly without having to solder or de-solder different control lines.  There is a possibility this could impart some disturbances into the RTD reading, but how much I can't say until I test it.  The R100/R1000 and the C100/C1000 paths need to be chosen or disconnected depending on if you are using a 100 or 1000 ohm RTD.  Here is a little spreadsheet of how jumpers 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, and 14 should be set depending on if a 2, 3, or 4 wire RTD is being used (O = open, X = closed): 

Jumper 2 wire 3 wire 4 wire
5 O X O
6 X O X
11 X O O
12 O X X
13 X X O
14 O O X

Here is the 3D image of the board produced by KiCad.  The MAX chips is a QFN, so you likely will be solder pasting.  You could extend the pads if you want to hand solder and there are a few example footprints in the default KiCad that do this, but you need to have the thermal pad (center of chip) soldered down well to avoid any over heating.  I used header models for all the jumpers and P1 & P2 connectors, but these could be replaced with anything you'd like with a .1" pitch spacing.  I am going to be using screw terminals for the RTD connector (Phoenix Angled Screw Terminal) and a female socket header for the I/O port to the arduino.      

Feel free to post any comments or questions.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The OGManBlog will be a record of my projects for all to see, hopefully something useful will come of it!